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Keeping your Joy in Trying Times.

Writer: Marie MoyersMarie Moyers

I know its hard. I know that you have all the reasons in the world to be angry and hurt and ready to lash out.

But what does God say?

He says that we are suppose to give it over to Jesus. That means really letting Him have it. Giving the same situation to Him over and over and over if that's what you have to do. LOL

Easy for me to say right, cause I don't have your situation. If you read in the scriptures you will see that Jesus experienced every situation that we face today.

Let's look at forgiveness for a second. Can you imagine having judas in your disciples. There was a point when Jesus realized that Judas would be the one to betray Him.

Jesus knew this had to happen, but still he had to forgive Judas.

The bible does not say but this very well could have been one of those situations where Jesus had to give it over and over to God.

Ok well that is one example of forgiveness.

I want to look at strength.... the strength you need to make it through your current life situation.

Let's turn to

Nehemiah 8:10 (ASB)

".....Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."

You can take the bible for its word. If it says that the Lord is your strength then grab ahold of that and cry out out Him !!

He WILL be there for you. He promises that :)

The enemy wants to steal your joy and he has your strength. Strength to resist the enemy, strength to accomplish anything God has for you..... strength to fulfill your role as parent, source, and competent worker.

Don't give him that victory. You are called to more than what the devil has for you.

You care called to have joy in your life!!

Psalms 47:1

" Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy."

I would encourage you to spend some time in His presence. "Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him." Psalms 34:8

Spend time with God just talking to him like he is a friend and was sitting right beside you. Get alone with him and open up. He already knows whats going on in your life, but He wants you to tell him.

Spending time with God doesn't have to be boring pretend He is your best friend and just talk with Him.

~ Marie


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