I did it Wednesday, I stuck my foot in my mouth, no both feet. I said something I should not have to someone in front of someone else. They immediately put me in my place. I regretted what I said and was a little shocked that this person took it so seriously, but to them it was.
I wanted to go home, but I couldn't. I went and sat with the Lord. I didn't want to miss out on what the Lord was doing that night. I went back in and apologized to them in front of the same people I initially criticized them with. It was all a sobering event.
That night turned out to be an important nexus point in my life.
Since that night the Lord has spoken to me about the incident and used it as a teaching moment. Showing me what spirit I was operating under the influence of when the comment came out of my mouth. Also, there are unresolved issues there.
And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 ESV).
Now something to note here is my mouth has always been my weapon. I could use it like an expert swordsman, taking and cutting people into a pile of ribbons laying on the floor. They would not mess with me again. In fact majority would never speak to me again. Job accomplished. My point is the Lord has brought me through that. The road has been long and there has been many times when I would still slip up but slowly little by little it has gotten better as I submit my mouth to the Lord. Through repentance.
Christmas this year brought me to a sober realization that I have discarded, and destroyed so many relationships and there are few close friends left. Not feeling sorry for myself, don't get me wrong just saying there are consequences to our actions.
"And the One sitting on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He says, "Write this, because these words are faithful and true." Rev 21:5 (Berean Literal Bible)
The Lord will use this too cause He has promised me in His word:
"And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great."
Job 8:7 (ESV)
Thank you, Lord, for how deeply you love me. I am humbled.